Welcome to Yeshua Groups.

In the last five years 1000+ ordinary people like you have signed up to start groups where God's stories are told, disciples are made, and lives are changed forever. 

If the following manifesto speaks to you then perhaps you, too, are one of us.

Who are we?

Yeshua Groups is a network of groups getting together to tell the stories of Scripture and discuss them "campfire style". That doesn't always mean building a bonfire but it does mean talking freely, laughing, eating, and having fun.

In the same way that a fire throws both light and heat we're learning to sit together in the light of honesty, respect, freedom, and acceptance and are feeling our lives warmed by our growing faith, hope, love, and joy. These are our values.

Where are we going?

Imagine a circle of friends getting together regularly to interact honestly with the stories of Scripture and see their own stories in the light of them. Can you see how they enjoy each other's company and how this new culture is making their lives richer? Now watch that group inspiring new groups and changing the world, one story at a time.

Our goal is to see Yeshua Groups like this started in every one of the roughly four thousand cities in the world with a population of a hundred thousand or more...and then watch them multiply a hundredfold. This is our vision.

How are we getting there?

Our mission is to train storytellers to do three things: tell the stories of Scripture in a way that sparks conversation, start groups where the fire can grow, and train more storytellers.

We're doing that by reaching out to new storytellers by word of mouth and the internet, training them through the resources on our website and interactive online groups, and publishing their stories by email so people can find them. This is our plan and this is our movement.

Yeshua Jesus on beach with Peter and disciples with campfire. Yeshua Groups - network of missional small group house churches making disciples and telling Scripture Bible stories aka orality

Do yourself a favour right now.

Drop us your email so we can send you stories and information you'll really like. From there we'll forward you to a page with some encouraging ideas on how YOU could start a Yeshua Group.